13. January 2019
Get some extra concepts on this topic at: Waldorf private school Camping. Getting in touch with nature, exploring the great outdoors, and “unplugging” for a while sounds like a great idea, but for those who have never done it before it may seem overwhelming. At Waldorf Academy, we believe teaching kids about camping so they gain an appreciation for it from a young age, and hopefully get them excited over the prospect of a weekend away. Let's talk about camping. Waldorf And The Outdoors...
08. January 2019
Discover more information on this topic at: Toronto Waldorf Camping. Getting in touch with nature, exploring the great outdoors, and “unplugging” for a while sounds like a great idea, but for those who have never done it before it may seem overwhelming. At Waldorf Academy, we believe teaching kids about camping so they gain an appreciation for it from a young age, and hopefully get them excited over the prospect of a weekend away. Let's talk about camping. Waldorf And The Outdoors Waldorf...
02. January 2019
See more tips on this topic at: Waldorf Academy Toronto \We've all heard of lunar and solar eclipses. But what exactly is happening in the sky when we witness these celestial events? And how does this connect us to the greater world around us, and to each other? Here at Waldorf Academy, a Keep reading to find out more. What Is A Lunar Eclipse? A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon, sun, and earth are in direct alignment with each other. The earth passing between the sun and moon causes the...
28. December 2018
Find more ideas about this topic at: private education institution As adults, we think about stress all the time. Stress about paying the bills. Stress about looming deadlines at work. Stress about whether our kids are getting the best possible education. Which is why the Waldorf Academy, a Toronto elementary private school, has some tips for you and your children to reduce the stress in your life. Keep reading to learn about stress and children (because they can get stressed too) and what you...
29. November 2018
Storytelling has been around for probably as long as humans have, and it's also part of the reason human are still around. The first storytelling we can date is the cave paintings from 30,000 years ago, which detailed a tracking and hunting scene, describing how to successfully secure food for the tribe. The Waldorf Academy, an alternative elementary school, leverages our natural human talent for storytelling to accomplish similar goals: teaching your children the fundamentals of what they need...
16. November 2018
Rudolf Steiner was the individual whose work forms the basis of the Waldorf education tradition.Though he was born more than a century and a half ago, his legacy still continues today in the form of the more than 2000 Waldorf schools around the world. But who was Rudolf Steiner, and what led him to become the founder of Waldorf? Read on to find out.